Tuesday, April 28, 2015

"Tina You're beautiful!"

Like I mentioned before ;my drama group would hang out with the older graduates and do things. I had been dating one boy from my drama class Stuart and we all had gone to Denny's homecoming night my Senior year.There we all were with the older gang: Gary, Dwyane and Steve. I knew who Steve Howard was. He went to my Junior High. He ran for Student Council. I had the impression he was stuck up and felt her was 'God's gift to women". HA!! Well that night at the table at Denny's he leaned over and in front of everyone said : "Tina You're beautiful!". He then sat by me and proceeded to plan our life together and wedding. WHAT??? My friend Mike Medlock was there and unbeknownest to me at the time had a SERIOUS crush on me. He was not happy Steve was paying attention to me and I was listening. The next day at school Mike asked me about what was said. I think I said something like 'Oh just some foolishness. Mike then called Steve and said I called him a FOOL!! Then Steve called me and gave me the once over. He did not believe me and believed these lies Mike said. Oh well.....
After graduating High School and summer I got a job at a local Dress shop Hemphill Wells. I did not want to go to college and Daddy could not pay for it. And Grandaddy per Kate wasn't either! I did try beauty school that summer but quit when I had to go to a rest home and work on hair. Nope! Not for me. I will work on mine and my friends hair thank you very much,.
Stuart the guy from Drama class and I stopped seeing each other. ( Never serious, someone to date). One day my best friend Linda Melone said "You really should give Steve Howard a chance, he is crazy about you.". Ok, let him know I am free to date.( I never dated more than one guy at a time). So she did and he called right away! We went out and had steaks and went to a movie. But when we got to the movie ( Great Scout and Cathouse Friday) was no longer playing.So he said wanna go to my house and watch TV? So we did. It was Friday night and his folks were at the football game. They came home early to find me and Steve on the couch JUST watching TV. Oh great, they think I am THAT kind of girl.... Steve took me home and I let him kiss me goodnight. The first boy I EVER let do that! Hey; he wasn't the stuck up guy I thought. He was handsome, funny and very nice. He told me later he knew that night I was the girl he was going to marry.

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