Saturday, April 25, 2015

Teen Idols, Crushes and the Summer and Fall of 1971

My first crush was not a boy next door or a boy at school but a young British lad with stars in his eyes. The first time I saw The Monkees on TV I was HOOKED! He was so cute, Dreamy and I was going to grow up and marry him. He was MY Davy! My Best friend  BB would love Mike, then Peter, then Micky but never MY Davy. Mother would take me to Woolworth's and I would by the new 16 magazine, Tiger Beat, Fave and Monkee Spectacular magazines.I had all theor record and would listen to them over and over again. I would take out the photos of Davy and plaster them all over my walls. I was able to escape into a world of dreams, music and a boy who was just my size and would wait for me to grow up. He would be a part of my heart all my life. My first love even though he was a celebrity. I was able to meet him years later. I was crushed he was not the man I had imagined. He was going through a divorce at the time I found out later and was not a happy time for him. That story is a good one I will share later along the way.
Well life happens and it was announced Davy got married and had a family!! WHAT?? He did not wait for me?? Who is this cute dimpled blue eyed wonder on this new ABC TV show Here Come The Brides?? His name was Bobby Sherman. Davy who?
I once again filled my room with posters and read every magazine I could get. Even Mother would watch the show with me and thought Bobby was cute. BB now like David Cassidy and The Patridge family. David was ok but he was no Bobby.
For some reason the last year of my Mother's life she and I left Daddy and traveled alot during the summer. We spent a week with a friend of hers from when she was married to Carver in Ft Worth. Aunt ( there is that word again for female friend of my parents) Carol had an older daughter who was very nice to me and took me to my first concert that week. It was a group called The Yellow Pages. Mother and Aunt Carol would go out and leave me there with the daughter. I remember one night that week when they were out I had HORRIBLE pains and thought I was going to DIE. I went to the bathroom and their was blood in my underware. Well from school and PE class where we saw THAT movie and got THAT pamphlet I knew I had started my period. I was scared and just took toliet paper and put in my panties to catch the flow. The next morning I told Mother and she said we have to call your Daddy. I remember these words she spoke to him: "Your daughter is a woman now". Huh?? A woman I don't think so Mother, just make the pain go away.
Then the next trip that summer we went to see my mother's Sister Roberta and family. I loved my Aunt Roberta, She was beautiful and her home was normal. My cousin Phyllis was 4 years older than me and I loved her so much! She was pretty, popular and made me feel a part of things. I loved being around her and still do.But while we were there Mother started having more stomach pain. She had complained of stomach pain all my life and called it her Pluresy. She would sleep alot and finally we decided to go back home. I remember while we were gone on these trips Daddy calling to check on me and sending us money etc. I think he was worried but I am sure the break was nice for him away from all the craziness.
Next we went to see my sister Marsha before school started. It was August. I loved going to see my big sister. Her sons my nephews were like my brothers. Danny was a year older, Barry and I were the same age, Kerry was a year younger. I had a niece Cynthia who had just turned one.I loved being with them. My brother in law Jack was a big strong man. Growing up I was always a bit afraid of him but he was always nice to me.
During the time we were there Mother's stomach pain got worse. She could not get out of bed and kept being unable to hold her bowels. Marsha would come and clean her up until she finally had to call an abulance and they took our Mother to the hospital in Dimmitt. Daddy came and we transported Mother back home. She spent one night at the house and the next day was admitted to St John's hospital. She never came home.
They had a pump I remember down her nose and were draining horrible things from her stomach. Years of her abusing her body draining out of her. I remember the smell of that room. They smell of death. Sicky, sweet and pungent. You smell that once you never ever forget it. During that time I read in the paper Bobby Sherman was coming to Abiline. Abilene was only an hour and half away.' Can I go Daddy? Can I go??. Daddy I am sure wanted to do something for his precious girl. We got tickets.
The last thing I talked to my Mother was about was seeing Bobby Sherman. We had a nice woman who helped Daddy with me and the house named Tillie.Daddy had to have Tillie stay with Mother in the hospital because she would pull out her tubes. They had her on so much pain medicine I remember she was very very loopy.
Daddy took me to see Bobby. I remember him taking me to by a dress to wear. I chose a cute stripped mini dress. Bobby would love it HA!. That night was a dream. I loved the music, the girls screaming, those tight blue pants with the silver fringe. I remember crying all the way home and Daddy asking are you ok?? " I am just SO HAPPY Daddy!". He loved to tell that story later about me crying and being happy.
It was a school day the next day and after Daddy picked me up we went and saw Mother. I was so excited to tell her all about seeing Bobby and the concert. She had perked up and was even arguing with the nurses. She feels better!! Yeah!!
They say people rally and come around before they die. Mother did. She could not have weighed more than 75 pounds, Her life at 55 was used up. She was a flame that burned too fast and was too volitile. The next morning was Saturday. The phone rang, It was for Daddy. He answered hung up the phone and said I will be back. After he left I knew. I just knew. Mother was gone. My crazy Mother. My drunk and pill popping Mother, My let's eat sandwiches and watch movies Mother. My only Mother. Daddy came home and before he could say anything I said. Mother died didn;t she?" Yes Daddy said and started crying........ I was 13. What Daddy and I had seen and gone through with Mother in 13 years was like a lifetime.. I think we both felt saddness but a relief. It was now him and I against the world.

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