Monday, April 27, 2015

Life goes on

Life own seemed to go on as it always does. Daddy and I got into our rhythm and he loved to entertain my girlfriends when I has sleep overs. He would grill hot dogs and go get us donuts. What fun!! I was learning about makeup, hair and BOYS! Oh yes I did starting liking a new Teen Idol at 15 who was my age! Donny Osmond. He was from a BIG family and I remembered Mother and Daddy watching him and his brothers on the Andy Williams show. The Osmond Brothers came to Ft Worth in 1973 and Daddy let me get us tickets. We were in the nose bleed section but I was so happy to see them in their Elvis white jumpsuits. I loved Puppy Love and The Twelve of Never. He was singing that to me right? Got to meet him too when I got older and  that was a thrill! Still looking and sounding great.
Soon it was time for me to graduate High School. I had no idea what I wanted to do. I loved to paint and draw and while in High School helped design and make sets for the musicals and I was even in a couple of plays, I loved make believe and it was fun to be someone else. I loved hair and makeup so I thought beauty school! My sweet Grandaddy wanted me to have a college education and was willing to pay for it. But his wife my step grandmother would not hear of it. I remember her calling me an saying I WOULD NOT TAKE MY GRANDFATHER'S money!! It was not HIS place to pay for my education etc. I told my Daddy and he was LIVID!!! He was not fond of her anyway. He always blamed her for losing his son, my brother Roy when he was little. Granddaddy and Kate had custody of Roy whiile Daddy was in the Navy. Roy remembers events where he was litterally pulled between both parents. Such a hard time for alittle boy. Another thing my brother, my sister and I shared.... memories of disfunctional parenting. Anyway his Mother came to visit him and my grandparents home and asked for a glass of water, When Kate went to go get it, She snapped Roy up and drove away never to be seen again.Daddy was always over protective with me because of this. I ahink always had to be home by 10 unless I called and ALWAYS had to let him know when I got home. Now my date and I could hang out on the porch, but I had to let Daddy know I was there. Plus no boy could honk and have me come out. They had to come to the door. I was a lady per my Daddy and needed to be treated as such.
Daddy made me dress like a lady to when I went to go to school. It was like pulling teeth to be able to wear jeans and a Tie Dyed T Shirt to school. "I don't want you going to school looking like a hippie"he would say. Soon he eased up when he realized ALL the girls were dressing this way.
Trying to raise a teen age daughter was hard for him I imagine. The day he took me shopping to get new clothes because my old ones were too tight in the bust he embarrased me without even thinking. I was in the dressing room and heard Daddy talking to the girl. Daddy was friendly and everyone loved him. I heard these words and slinked into the corner of the dressing room. "Yeah I had to bring Tina Nanette to get some new clothes because she said her little titties were growing:. OMG!so embarrassed!! I finally came out and said Daddy PLEASE do not ever ever say that again. He had no clue bless his heart.
Then I remember the time Daddy thought to look better he would by a FULL sized mans wig from a magazine. He called me into his room and said Daddy wants to show you something. I went in and there was my sweet cute Daddy wearing an ill fitting salt and pepper wispy curled wig. Helooked like and old woman. I said Daddy NO!!!!! I think it hurt his feelings  but I had to tell him. That wig stayed in his drawer from that day on.
I never knew my Daddy to have a date after Mother. I guess he was too busy working and taking care of me. Even after I married I think he may have dated one woman whom I never met. He would always say there is no women for me like you and your Mother. I feel sad now that he spent his last days without someone. Someone normal, someone to take care of him. He was so happy just being my Daddy. I at the time would NEVER want him with another woman, But now I wish he had found someone.  I met alot of great friends who would remain friends the rest of my life in High School Drama. The older graduates would hang with the High School Drama kids. It was Homecoming night 1976. I did not have a date but all of us Drama kids plus the older ones met at Denny's to eat and hang out.This is when I officially met the boy who would become my husband.

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