Thursday, April 30, 2015

Life, Love and other things!

Steve and I kept dating and it got serious fast. When you know you know and we did. We went and looked at Wedding rings and I saw the set I liked. In November on a date night I met Steve holding a red rose. Inside that rose was my engagement ring. The whole on the knee thing. YES!! YES!! YES!!! I will marry you!
My Daddy loved Steve. He knew Steve loved me and would care for me and take care of me. One thing though per Daddy. We HAD to be engaged for a year. But soon he said do you want to get married sooner?? Ah well I am planning and August 12th wedding Daddy I have to plan!
We got a apartment with University housing at ASU. We had our time to fix it up and get it ready before we married.Daddy and Steve's folks got us furniture and we both took things from the house.
Time passed and I chose my wedding dress, we chose our cake etc. Daddy had no clue how much a wedding cost and he did not have the money so Steve and I paid for our wedding. Got my dress, veil and shoes from Hemphill Wells and got a discount. My bridesmaids got their own dresses, Steve's Dad paid for the tuxes and we did the rest. The rest was the cake. Got the church reception area for free and friends of Steve's folk's the Clemer's gave us there cabin in Cloudcroft, New Mexico to use for our honeymoon.I think the whole wedding may have cost us $500.00.Later we were able to help our son and daughter in law have the wedding we did not get to have,
Did you ever see the blue tuxes Alec Baldwin wore in Working Girl? Those were the same baby blue tuxes our groomsmen wore and Steve wore off white tailed cut away tux.
We did the whole you can't see the Bride before the wedding and I talked to Steve through my bedroom window curtain.with my sister in my door way! No fancy Bridesmaid before wedding party. My sister and cousin Jana hung out at the house. My sweet Mother in Law did host a luncheon for me and the church gave us a nice Bridal Shower.
The night of the wedding my dress was late being delivered. I was in a panic, everyone was ready but me! I have a picture of when she finally showed up an you can see it in my face. I was prepared to walk down the isle in my jeans if I had too.
I love the picture of Daddy and I that was taken that night. He loved me and I loved him so much and it shows. I would always be his little girl married or not. When we had our rehearal the night before I sat and watched.( Bad luck for the Bride to participate), He cried practcing giving my Aunt Kay away!So sweet.
So the wedding went off with only one hitch or I should say stich. When I was walking to Steve I forgot to stop and let Cindy get my train. She stepped on it and you could hear the RIP-P-P. My dress ripped from the waist a bit. But we kept going, Still have the dress on and still it has the rip,
I was very emotional and was on the verge of tears during the vows, Steve kept smiling and winking at me to help."I now pronounce you Man and Wife". I am married!!!!!! What happens now?

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